I've been asked the question via email, by both a city employee, and a former city counselor, "Why support Economic Development and job creation, when other departments are likely to be cut."
Here's what I told them.
"Given that the budget shortfall is due to lower property tax collections due to less businesses paying property tax, you'd think that Corvallis and the city council in particular would be working to grow the business base, in line with the city's values, so that property taxes will grow, and we'll be able to support the services we value. That is exactly what John Secrest does, and very effectively.
In a time when property taxes are falling, and unemployment is rising, Economic development is not expendable. To use a farming analogy, It is like eating the seed grain, so you don't even have something to plant the next year...
Perhaps there's the perception that since it's a "contract' service, its less important than other city expenditures, but we have only ONE Person doing the economic development job that John is doing, and what they get for the contract is far more efficiency at a lower cost per FTE than any city employee.
I am, and have been fully committed to economic vitality in Corvallis for the past 6 years, as have many of the local business leaders who saw the coming decline in manufacturing jobs, especially HP. Those of us working on the Economic Development committee (as dedicated volunteers) know that having a vibrant, and diverse employment base generates the tax revenue that supports the services we all value hugely... They, and I, want to see the funds available for maintenance of those wonderful services and your whole team...and this is the only way I know that the city can accomplish that goal.
Please pass this on to other city employees who received my initial email...as I don't have direct access to them, but I want them all to know, this is our, and my, best effort to create a community that can maintain and support the important services. "
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